"Hei tracon-ukot hyppikää, nyt on kiireen raikkahin aika!"
Joo... enkä usko todellakaan olevani ainoa tässä tilanteessa.
Kuukausi coniin. Matryoshkat opettelematta. Cossi tekemättä. Wiggi tilaamatta.
Tai no siis, wigin sain tänään tilattuu. Kattoo ny jos se vaikka viittis vääntäytyä paikalle ENNEN conia. (Eikä conin jälkeen, niin kuin kävi desun frostbiten aikoihin =_= )
Jepulis jee.
Maanantaina kankaiden ostoon ja tiistaina alkaa koulu. Taitaa tulla taas yöompeluja. Ja sitten pidetään sormia ristissä ettei kaikki mee ihan vituiks.
Mutta muistetaanpa pitää se paljon puhuttu lippu korkealla, hyvä conikansa!
Kuukausi on kuitenkin sentään JOTAIN.
(eli suunnilleen se puol kuukautta kun kuukaudesta vähentää kouluun ja muuhun shittiin menevän ajan X__x ) "You have been trolled" ; D ha!
Jostain kumman Luojan lykystä, käteeni ilmestyi tänään 360e:n "palkka" jolla uskon porskuttelevani ropellillani turvallisesti Traconin vaaleanpunaiseen lippusatamaan. Alustavasti olin odottanyt vain reilua satasta, joten olin pyörtyä kun pitelin rupuisissa kätösissäni kolmea satskun seteliä.
Oli se vaan niin liikuttava hetki *snif*
Anyways, ehkä updateen sitten kun mulla on OIKEASTI jotain maata mullistavaa matskua 8D (never) eli sitten kun alan kuvaamaan cossin tekovaiheita ym. kaikkee "kiinnostavaa" ;)
Welcome to the dark side; we had cookies until we ran out of them.
Coneilemisiin !
Sopuliagentti M.
perjantai 10. elokuuta 2012
Text of no point at all
Random things do happen 8D (yeah, I´m not BORED or anything...)
Why does summer always end..?
It´s so... tragic
And then we have to deal with 8 months of darkness. AGAIN O_O
Wut´s the point?
Anyways, I ordered a new wig today ^ ^ my next cosplay is gunna be Hatsune Miku ;) (from one mainstream to another) and on monday I´m going to buy some fabrics and other cool stuff for the outwit *w* then I can start sewing! I´ve got one month before Tracon (actually, less than month..).. haha ^ ^` I´m so frickin "early" EVERYTIME =_= darrnnnnn
I´m gonna make it! I MUST make it! ;_____; ... (..help..?)
Today, I dragged 3 beds out of my room =_= (my poor back) and before that, I had dragged 3 CLOSETS out of my room..
I was like: "MOM, what´s THE FRICKKIN POINT have EVERYTHING 3 PIECES when THE OUTCOMES is that I don´t even FIT IN MY OWN ROOM ANYMORE?????!!!" ..GarGh .: ?!?
Madness, I´ll say.
Now there´s only 3 tables and 3 book shelves left to wait... omg.
Oh, and I shouldn´t forget about the 3 computers either!!
ah... I´m going insane..
There´s gunna be lotsa work before my room is "liveable" but it´s totally worth it.
... But I´m still considering on getting a lock in my room´s door O_O trollllllll.
Oh, and about the wig: It´s NOT what I wanted in the first place, but I had no other choice than to order the one I did ´cause my time´s so limited.. (why I´m always so late with everything I do??)
and if I had ordered the more expensive and prettier one... well, it wouldn´t propably had made it to the Tracon... so..
Pity. ;___; *bitter tears*
And as a random site note: I´m feeling quite happy ^ ^
Haha. Weird, isn´t it ?
"All I need, is the air I breathe"
Tschüs, M.
Why does summer always end..?
It´s so... tragic
And then we have to deal with 8 months of darkness. AGAIN O_O
Wut´s the point?
Anyways, I ordered a new wig today ^ ^ my next cosplay is gunna be Hatsune Miku ;) (from one mainstream to another) and on monday I´m going to buy some fabrics and other cool stuff for the outwit *w* then I can start sewing! I´ve got one month before Tracon (actually, less than month..).. haha ^ ^` I´m so frickin "early" EVERYTIME =_= darrnnnnn
I´m gonna make it! I MUST make it! ;_____; ... (..help..?)
Today, I dragged 3 beds out of my room =_= (my poor back) and before that, I had dragged 3 CLOSETS out of my room..
I was like: "MOM, what´s THE FRICKKIN POINT have EVERYTHING 3 PIECES when THE OUTCOMES is that I don´t even FIT IN MY OWN ROOM ANYMORE?????!!!" ..GarGh .: ?!?
Madness, I´ll say.
Now there´s only 3 tables and 3 book shelves left to wait... omg.
Oh, and I shouldn´t forget about the 3 computers either!!
ah... I´m going insane..
There´s gunna be lotsa work before my room is "liveable" but it´s totally worth it.
... But I´m still considering on getting a lock in my room´s door O_O trollllllll.
Oh, and about the wig: It´s NOT what I wanted in the first place, but I had no other choice than to order the one I did ´cause my time´s so limited.. (why I´m always so late with everything I do??)
and if I had ordered the more expensive and prettier one... well, it wouldn´t propably had made it to the Tracon... so..
Pity. ;___; *bitter tears*
And as a random site note: I´m feeling quite happy ^ ^
Haha. Weird, isn´t it ?
"All I need, is the air I breathe"
Tschüs, M.
keskiviikko 8. elokuuta 2012
Hurlum & My Little Bird
Gosh People!!
I haven´t updated this cursed blog in ages O_O whoaaaa!! (sowwie ;___; !)
Anyways, in youtube, many people have asked me where to find the Kuroshitsuji "My Little Bird" Doujin which I used in one of my most viewed vids in tube.
Actually, there was one site, where I used to read Ciel / Seb doujins, but now I can´t seem to find it anymore ;____; I would have given the link for all of you who wanted to read that specific doujin.
So... What can I do?
I´m gonna update it right here.
YOSHAA! !! Here we go! (Enjoy! ;) )
.... I regret nothing O_O
I haven´t updated this cursed blog in ages O_O whoaaaa!! (sowwie ;___; !)
Anyways, in youtube, many people have asked me where to find the Kuroshitsuji "My Little Bird" Doujin which I used in one of my most viewed vids in tube.
Actually, there was one site, where I used to read Ciel / Seb doujins, but now I can´t seem to find it anymore ;____; I would have given the link for all of you who wanted to read that specific doujin.
So... What can I do?
I´m gonna update it right here.
YOSHAA! !! Here we go! (Enjoy! ;) )

.... I regret nothing O_O
Tschüs, M,
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